Aug, 21
1 month
Lucas Pimentel, Indaband Team
The Problem
As a user in the recording booth,
I want a tool that allows me to follow the tempo of the song.
This way, I can ensure that my tracks and those of my guests are recorded in sync, maintaining a consistent tempo throughout the session.
The Solution
User Considerations
Acceptance Criteria: The metronome sound should be consistent without indicating strong beats or variations [in other words, no need to understand the concept of time signatures]
App Functionality
Collaborative Nature: Users can edit existing sessions by adding, substituting, or deleting tracks.
Importance of Initial Recording: The first track sets the tempo for subsequent additions. Changing the BPM after one or more tracks were recorded would put them out of tempo.
Acceptance Criteria 1: The metronome can only be activated if the track is the first in a session or if the session started with a metronome.
Acceptance Criteria 2: BPM controls are locked after the initial track is recorded.
Technical Considerations
Recording Environment: Users often record using their phone's microphones. If the recording is done without headphones, there's a risk of sound leakage into the recording.
Acceptance Criteria: The metronome is available only when headphones are connected.
Metronome Usage: The metronome should be audible not only during recording but also during the configuration phase, enabling users to set the parameters effectively.
Acceptance Criteria: The metronome plays during the setup and while recording.
Other Limitations and No Go's
Development Stage Limitations: Considering the app was still in early development, complex features like tempo changes within songs were not included to avoid overcomplication.
Alternative Pace Tracking Solutions: Ideas like using guide tracks or a smart metronome that adapts to recorded content were considered. However, these more advanced solutions were set aside due to the app's nascent stage and the limited development timeframe ("appetite") of one week.